Monday, June 14, 2010

The Greek Countryside Rocks

Hi guys - pictures are finally on here!

We traveled to Ancient Olympia yesterday - home of the very first Olympics. Wow - and I mean WOW! It was really cool to see the temples that they erected to Zeus and Hera and I got to see an ancient "gym" where the wrestlers would practice before their matches.

Our hotel in Olympia is going to get slammed for massively false advertisement. They probably won't like Americans too much after we get through with them. The rooms were back from the '50s - I needed a rake to work on the shag carpet like I used to have to do at my Mema's when I visited. The bathroom was abhorrent and for the piece de resistance - NO FLIPPING AIR!!! We purposely chose hotels that had air conditioning and decent bathrooms because we wanted a break at the end of the day, sadly, what we got was crapola.

We followed a highway near the coast and friends, the water is just like what you would think - teal, blue, dark blue, aquamarine - lovely. We left the Peloponnese and crossed over a bridge in Patra and drove on to Delfi, where today we will see the main Oracle of the god Apollo (who was Zeus' son).

It's been hot here - I can't drink enough water! I drink only one or two cokes with meals only and the rest of the day it's water. I loved drinking from the artesial fountain yesterday in Olympia - I put my hands in and washed my face and then went to work drinking. What is it that they say - "When in Rome, do as the Romans do"? I was a true Roman yesterday.

We met a fabulous couple last night - she is from Denmark, he is Greek - they married and live here and own a shop. They enlightened Sarah, Michael, and myself on quite a few things. Taxes here have risen from 19% now to 21% - in July they will be 23%. School is out TODAY here in Greece and education is quite different here.

More later, friends - I'm back in Athens tonight getting ready for Jerusalem!!

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